We’re building a team to unseat Raja Krishnamoorthi!

Download a Donation Form Below:

Please fill out the form below and let us know how you can help Mark win!
Here are some idea starters:
- May we add your name and title to Mark’s endorsement list?
- Can you donate? Host a meet and greet? Arrange a fundraiser?
- Can you write or send letters to the editors, call talk shows or write op eds?
- Are you active on social media? Can you send texts or emails to your friends?
- Can you phone bank? Walk a precinct? Pass out literature or help with research?
- Are you a member of a group Mark can come and speak at or visit? Maybe your church or synagogue.
- Do you want to march in parades, attend rallies, help in an office or be part of our sign team?
- Do you have some skills that might be useful? Where can you fit in?
Chances are, the County Coordinator for your county needs to hear from you!
Please fill out the form and get involved!
We have seasoned volunteers who can come along side you and help you be more effective. You just need to be willing!
Mark is running but this campaign is for you! You don’t even have to live in the district to help so please, get involved and Thank You!
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© Copyright 2023 Mark Rice for Congress